Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crafty Madness!!!

Over the past few weeks I have been full speed ahead in order to have some crafty goodness to sell at my craft shows in November and December.  Me and pal Leah have some great ideas for our boutique and I cant wait for our big day!  I have been dealing with a strong case of crafty madness and I thought I could share it with you! 

First I discovered a cool rosette craft over at Little Birdie Secrets that I just LOVED! I quickly whipped up some for my baby girls and then some to sell or put on my crafts. Check out her tutorial (and blog) as soon as you can. I was able to use them for all sorts of crafts:

 Here are the first rosettes I attempted. Pretty good if I must say so and not hard at all. I used denim fabric and lace that I already had.  I bought the polka-dot fabric at WalMart for a $1 in the sewing section.

Then I decided to put them on some other crafts.  At this point, I was on a roll and wanted to make them both large and small!
Here is one on a box I found at HL for $1.98 in the clearance section. (yep, I bought all 4) Then I painted it pink and added green polka-dots. The rosette made it simple and chic...

This "cherish is from Making Memories I think and I got a steal for .98 at Target a few years back. I mod-podged paper onto the letter and cut it out with an exact-o knife. Added some strips of lace and some mini rosettes and ...voila!

 (a closer look)

 I bought these mirrors a while back when HL was doing their 50% off in that section. I painted it gold and painted on polka-dots...again, then added a little rosette.
And then I made this headband out of a t shirt I meant to give to my son. (I decided to cut it up when I noticed I bought a brand new t-shirt at the thrift store that said "drink til you like me" or something like that. I hid it in my closet for a while cause I couldn't bear to throw it out.  I thought I would make a cool patch or something for it but I never got around to it.  I eventually was so embarrassed that I eventually cut the words out and ended up using it for these headbands. I made the rosette like normal then cut a piece of the arm of the shirt (from the upper arm), added the rosette with thread and there you have it.

Then I decided to finally finish some wood words that I bought from the dollar store years ago.  Trust me, when I saw them I knew I could think of something...and only 2 years later...HERE THEY ARE!

Then I thought it would be cool to get around to making some magnets from all those root beers my hubby drinks. (still haven't figured out why he likes the glass bottle over the plastic bottles but...more caps for me)

I started by spray painting them with some paint I got from the Micheal's clearance for .99 cents.

Then I cut out a circle to fit inside the bottle cap.  I added the Glossy Accents, added the circle and then added another coat of the Glossy and a sequin.  Then I let it dry a while and added a magnet to the back.

So, thats the end of my Crafty Madness.  I did a bunch more but I will share more soon.  
Hope you enjoyed it!
Peace...Love and PAPER...