Saturday, September 12, 2009


So, I havent blogged in a while but there was good reason...School is BACK in session. I know you can understand. But, if there is one thing that is great about the school year starting it all the craft fairs, craft shows and bazzars that are sure to be right around the corner. My dream would be to do 5 in one year. Is that too much to ask? Maybe so for now. But I am hopeful. I know that when I am ready that exactly what will happen. Until then, I wont "dispise small beginnings."
Here are some pics of my craft booth last year. I really tried to step it up a bit and look more professional. I think I did alright. I hope to get better each time I give it a go. If I would make a list of somethings I would like to improve it would be:
1. Make a list of things I plan to bring before the show and use it to mark what I sold.
That way I can look back later and see the exact items I had and what buyers bought
2. Listen harder for suggestions on what buyers wish I had
I think people love to see practical things and sometimes buyers are the best inspiration.
3. Bring something to work on at my booth.
I wont be staring at them as they shop and they can see that I do actually make my products.
4. Work on props that would lift my products to eye level.
I dont think customers like having to bend too much to see things at a booth.
5. Work my display by making it look homelike and inviting.
I want to be the booth that cathes someones eye and they just have to come over to get
a closer look.
I have tons more that I want to do better but I'll share them another time. Let me know what you like and dislike and what you think I could change about my booth.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Gifts for Teachers

As an aide for a local school district I realize firsthand how much drama and complications that come with a teachers job. From the tests they are required to administer, benchmarks, lists of tasks assigned to them each six weeks to the rediculousness of behavior from some students, parents and even coworkers. I dont say all that to say that they think their job stinks because most of the great teachers I have been an aide for would not say that. Even with all the load they carry and the pay they deserve but dont get and for the outstanding work they do...most dont usually complain but say that its what they have always wanted to do. They come to work prepared and ready to teach children who come from all walks of life, family situations, races and the like. Yet they love on our kids, show affection, correction, support, discipline, teach life lessons, encourage, babysit, nurse, mother and that's all before they evan start their morning lesson. So, with my love and admiration for the wonderful teachers out there, I decided I would have a line of crafts that will focus on some things especially for great teachers. Since starting my job, ideas come to mind all that time of things that would make for a unique gift, what might make a gift they could actually use and gifts that go beyond a candle that doesnt smell good or a lotion that they would never use. And though most teachers would say that they appreciate all the thoughtful gifts they are given, my goal is to think of one of a kind things that are useable and practical. TIPS for Gift Giving for Teachers: 1. Email the teacher. If you know who your childs teacher will be, email him/her before school starts to see what her interests are. You can include a list that could include favorite sports team, favorite stores, candy, hobbies, resteraunt, etc. Ask them to be specific. That way, when you want to give a gift that they will be sure to love, you'll have the perfect gift in mind. 2. Talk and get to know the teacher. Sometimes in regular conversation you will get to know things you didnt know about him/her and naturally what they like will come out in converstation. 3. Help your child make a useful gift. What could be better than a gift your child made that their teacher can use? Examples might be a pencil holder that your child painted or mod poged filled with red pens, pencils, black or blue pens etc., a decorated wooden letter in your teachers initial, a paint can from a hardware store filled with things a teacher uses daily. The list could go on. Visit a local craft store and go to the unfinished wood or craft aisle for great ideas.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Im a Blogger

Wow! I honestly can't believe that it has happened. I am a blogger. And boy does it feel grand. I did a little research to see what blog provider was going to fit me and here I am. There were some good ones out there but for me, and this season of my life, it fits. Ok. Just in case you want to know why I jumped into the blog-o-sphere here are a few reasons: 1. I like to chat and lets face it, with 4 kids telephone conversations are pretty much out until after 9pm 2. I get inspired and want to share 3. I needed a place to share my latest projects So, here I am. I AM A BLOGGER! Has a certain ring to it don't it?? Im glad to meet you and I hope you will come back soon.